Designing and facilitating workshops for children takes a important part in my creative work, allowing me to share a moment of creativity and observation with the little ones. These sessions revolved around the theme I choose for this residency : altruism, childhood and creativity.
What a difficult task it is to choose between more than a hundred paintings done by the children ! I had to, and I often had to consider the quality of the photo and not of the work…
The first part of the session is a collective painting game for the whole class. Then the children paint individually, using cardboard shapes, big-sized bright color paper, and primary color paints. In the first part, my role is to give them instructions. In the second part, it is to give them none ! They exchange paint cups, brushes, ideas. They work like buzzing beas and new surprising colors and shapes arise !
These worshops took place during winter 2018.
The residency was funded by the Ile-de-France Authors’ residency program.
Les ateliers font entièrement partie de mon travail de création, en m’offrant un moment de liberté, d’observation et de partage avec les enfants.
Ces séances sont des expérimentations autour de la thématique que j’avais apportée pour ma résidence : altruisme, enfance et créativité.
Quelle tâche ingrate que de choisir quelques images parmi les centaines de peintures réalisées par les enfants !
Je m’y suis forcée, et bien souvent j’ai dû choisir en fonction de la qualité de la photo et non pas de l’oeuvre…
Notre atelier comprenait une première phase de travail collectif avec des règles du jeux, tous ensemble. Puis les enfants disposaient de formes de cartons, de papiers grand format de couleurs variées comme support, et de peintures de couleurs primaires pour créer un oeuvre totalement libre. L’échange des gobelets de couleurs, des pinceaux, les mélanges de couleurs étaient vivement encouragés. Les résultats colorés furent appétissants ou non, mais toujours surprenants !
Ateliers réalisés pendant l’hiver 2018.
Programme des résidences d’écrivain de la région Île de France.
Concieving and facilitating workshops for children takes a important part in my creative work, allowing me to share a moment of creativity and observation with the little ones. These sessions revolved around the theme I choose for this residency : altruism, childhood and creativity.
What a difficult task it is to choose between more than a hundred paintings done by the children ! I had to, and I often had to consider the quality of the photo and not of the work…
The first part of the session is a collective painting game for the whole class. Then the children paint individually, using cardboard shapes, big-sized bright color paper, and primary color paints. In the first part, my role is to give them instructions. In the second part, it is to give them none ! They exchange paint cups, brushes, ideas. They work like buzzing beas and new surprising colors and shapes arise !
These worshops took place during winter 2018.
The residency was funded by the Ile-de-France Authors’ residency program.